Trainer Resources
Thank you for volunteering to be a Trainer for the Mississauga Girls Hockey League (MGHL)!
Every team must have at least one independent female Trainer rostered. This role must be held by an individual separate from the Head Coach and Team Mom. Our Trainers receive online certification (fees reimbursed) which provides you with instruction in the prevention, recognition and management of hockey-related injuries. Team Trainers maintain a presence in the dressing rooms and on the benches. Two adult females should be present in the dressing rooms at all times when in use by female athletes.
As a Trainer, some of the main things you will do for your team are:
- Main supervisor for the female only dressing rooms.
- Monitor athlete’s equipment condition.
- Assist with equipment issues or injuries on the benches or on the ice.
- Act as the Trainer for your team and the opposing team (if the opposing team’s Trainer is absent.)
- Promote healthy habits, safety, fairplay and good sportsmanship.
Please review the following MGHL Trainer Presentation for information on how to best help our athletes under your care:

There are a few mandatory tasks that every volunteer must complete before working with youths in any league. Please submit all screening results and certifications to the MGHL President (at [email protected]) as soon as possible to avoid delays in season startup.
Police Check |
A clean vulnerable sector check (VSC Level 3) is required for volunteering with children under the age of 18 years. The Peel Regional Police provides record checks for those living in Mississauga and Brampton. If you live outside of those areas, please visit your regional police website for more details on obtaining a records check. If needed, download the MGHL VSC Level 3 for Volunteers Letter to submit with your application.
Respect In Sports |
The Respect in Sports (Activity Leader) certification can be completed once online and does not expire. This program gives all volunteers aged 14 and up the background needed to help recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination in sport. The cost for this certificate will be reimbursed by the MGHL.
Each team must have at least one female Trainer as part of their bench staff. While males are able to help out in various other roles, the Trainer role is exclusively female. Trainers must complete the online Hockey Trainer Certification Program (Level I). Certification lasts for a period of three hockey seasons (ending August 31, annually); when your certification is up for renewal, you may take the Requalification Course for HTCP (Level I). The cost for these certifications, for up to three Trainers per team, will be reimbursed by the MGHL (Reimbursement Policy.)

Please see our Trainer's Toolkit below for access to the various resources that will help you during the season.

Regular equipment checks should be performed by the Team Trainer(s). Equipment should fit snugly, like a puzzle, and cover most of the body - every piece should touch the next (no large gaps in between pieces of equipment.)
Team Trainer(s) must download the following documents, complete, and submit / keep them on file, as required, for each team:
Emergency Action Plan |
Outlines all emergency procedures and responsible parties required to act in the event of an emergency, including a Charge Person (usually Trainer), Call Person, and Control Person.
Player Medical Form |
Documents pre-existing conditions of athletes for their safety; required to be completed prior to a player participating in any team activities. Also survey parents regarding FOOD allergies of players and avoid allowing those items as snacks. The information collected is confidential, and should only be reviewed with the Coaching Staff to identify players with any medical risks for playing hockey. If there are concerns or questions, players and parents should review their specific medical situation with their Physicians.
Player Injury Log |
Must be kept up to date and be filled out when an athlete sustains any type of injury during a game, practice, or hockey team event. It is the Trainer’s responsibility to determine whether athletes should return to action (not Coaches or parents.)
Hockey Canada Injury Reporting |
Must be completed when an injury is sustained by a player during a game, practice or team event AND they require medical attention. Must be submitted to the OWHA within 90 days of an injury (to ensure the athlete is covered by OWHA insurance, if needed.)
Return to Play Form |
An athlete who had an injury requiring medical attention must obtain a doctor’s clearance before returning to play (this includes an injury sustained in a non-hockey related activity which prevents a player from participating in practices, games, or dryland sessions.) This is not meant exclusively for concussions; it is required for all injuries.
Full Trainer’s Toolkit |
Download all the documents in a single file and print as many copies of each page as required.
Additional Trainer resources are found on the Hockey Trainers Ontario website.
For more information, questions, or comments, please contact:
Erin Cassan | MGHL Registrar | [email protected]