Lace Up Those Skates for the MGHL House League Return to Hockey Day!, News (Mississauga Girls Hockey League)

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Aug 19, 2024 | Communications Director | 5847 views
Lace Up Those Skates for the MGHL House League Return to Hockey Day!

Thank you to all those families that have registered so far for our upcoming 2024-25 House League season, and a big Welcome / Welcome Back to the MGHL!

The MGHL has been working hard to prepare for the upcoming season. We hope all our athletes have had a great summer break and are excited to get onto the ice this year. For those that have not yet registered, we still have some spaces available and encourage you to get signed up before registration closes on October 1, 2024 (note that our U7 and U9 Programs are currently accepting registrations to the waitlist.) This season kicks off with our annual Evaluation / Return to Hockey Day on September 8, 2024. Please check out our MGHL House League Page if you would like to learn more about our program; or head on over to our Registration Page to read more about our current season fees and to register.



Please join us at Rink #1, Iceland Arena (705 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3X9) on Sunday, September 8, 2024 from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM for our Return to Hockey Day. We are excited to welcome back dynamic and highly experienced development instructor Kelli Aquino as our On-Ice Lead during our session evaluations. Kelli is a seasoned professional, MGHL alum and will be heading up our U7 Program for 2024-25.

Please see the schedule below and make note of when each division will be on the ice. Make sure to arrive approximately 15 to 30 minutes prior to each division’s start time so that athletes can check in and change into their full equipment.

U7: A - L* 07:30 AM 07:45 AM 08:30 AM
U7: M - Z* 08:10 AM 08:30 AM 09:15 AM
U9 08:45 AM 09:15 AM 10:15 AM
U11 09:45 AM 10:15 AM 11:15 AM
U13 10:45 AM 11:15 AM 12:15 PM
U15 11:45 AM 12:15 PM 01:15 PM
U18/22 12:45 PM 01:15 PM 02:15 PM

* U7 athletes are split into two separate on-ice sessions according to the first initial of their last name. 


The MGHL Tie-To Request System is OPEN! The cost for the Tie-To Package is $40 per player. We kindly ask that only ONE family complete both steps for payment and form submissions. For those players that hope to stay together on a House League team this season, please follow these steps carefully:

  1. Single Payment of $80 on RAMP: ONE players’ family must add the full $80 Tie-To Package to their RAMP Account (families are asked to please coordinate splitting money for the Tie-To Package fees amongst each other.)
  2. Single Submission of Request Form: ONE players’ family must fill in and submit the Tie-To Request Form including both players’ details.


Both steps must be completed by October 1, 2024 at the latest.

We may not be able to consider late requests beyond this date. At the MGHL, we do our best to evaluate all player’s abilities prior to forming teams to try keeping them as balanced as we can; because of this, we cannot guarantee that all Tie-To requests can be accommodated. However, we will make every effort to keep all requested players together.


Before the Return to Hockey Day, please remember the following:

  • Get your daughter’s skates sharpened.
  • Tape their stick.
  • Check your daughter’s hockey equipment and make sure it's in good playing condition (no expired or improperly fitted protective gear).
  • Make sure all of the gear is in their bag.  Due to safety we can't let your daughter on the ice if they are missing equipment.

New to hockey and not sure what equipment your daughter needs? Download our Equipment Checklist / Fit Sheet.


The MGHL will be hosting an Equipment Exchange during our Return to Hockey Day. This will be located at Iceland Arena on the second floor from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Gently used equipment will be available, for example: skates, gloves, protective gear, helmets, bags and more! For any questions about the exchange please contact our Equipment Director, Neil Coreschi, at: [email protected].


As always, the MGHL is in need of Coaches, Trainers and Volunteers at almost all divisional levels. We are also looking for two Conveners for the U11 and U13 divisions. The MGHL provides our volunteers guidance to help them be successful in their roles and offers reimbursement for many necessary certifications.

To learn more about how you can volunteer, please see our Volunteers Page. If you are interested in volunteering your time at the rink this season to help out your daughter’s team, please let us know by filling in our House League Volunteer Form. If you would like additional information about volunteering for House League, please contact our Director, Scott Forsyth, at [email protected] to get you started.


We still have some spaces left from the U11 to U18/22 divisions of our House League. Don’t miss out on the chance to join this great league and secure your registration today!

Fun | Friendship | Development
Come play hockey with the MGHL!

We look forward to seeing all our MGHL Hurricanes at the rink!

For more information about our House League Program or Return to Hockey Day, please contact:
Scott Forsyth | House League Director | [email protected]

For more information about registration, contact:
Erin Cassan | Registrar | [email protected]
