All minor hockey leagues rely on people like our passionate parents, current / former athletes, and even our amazing community members to help keep programs running. The time and effort of our volunteers are invaluable to the many girls and young women that the MGHL supports.
The MGHL is always looking for volunteers to help as little or as much as your schedule allows and we are here to support our volunteers every step of the way. There are many opportunities to lend a hand and get involved every year. Even if you helped out in past seasons, please remember to reach out to us at [email protected] so we know you are able to continue volunteering during the current season.
We have many ways to get involved at the MGHL! Please click on each role below to see its general description:
House League Conveners
This is mainly an administrative role, where volunteers oversee each age division’s programming. Our Conveners work with our House League Director to make sure each division has enough bench staff to help out with each team and that teams are formed in an equitable and fair way. Extensive hockey knowledge is not required, however this is a great role for volunteers that have good organization, communication and people management skills.
House League Head Coach
Take the lead in maintaining a fun, team-focused, atmosphere and developing player skills / hockey knowledge in an enthusiastic and constructive manner, according to the team’s age level. Additional details provided below under: Coaching Prerequisites & Commitment. Please note that a Head Coach cannot be rostered as a Head Trainer.
House League Assistant Coach
Provide on and off-ice / bench support to the team’s Head Coach. Additional details provided below under: Coaching Prerequisites & Commitment.
Rep League Head Coach
Coaches interested in running a Rep Team are encouraged to review our Rep Coach Application Process Page. Applications for the following season are typically due by November of the current season; Coaching announcements are made by January of the current season. Additional details provided below under: Coaching Prerequisites & Commitment. Please note that a Head Coach cannot be rostered as a Head Trainer and cannot act as a Team Manager or Team Treasurer.
Rep League Assistant Coach
Provide on and off-ice / bench support to the team’s Head Coach. Additional details provided below under: Coaching Prerequisites & Commitment.
Team Manager
This is mainly an administrative role, where volunteers assist with organizing and scheduling off-ice activities. For example, Team Managers may be asked to: facilitate team fundraising / sponsorship; organize and book tournament hotels / activities or team building events; oversee the team’s webpage; manage team finances (i.e., in lieu of a Team Treasurer). This role should be held by an individual separate from the Head Coach.
Team Treasurer
This is mainly an administrative role, where volunteers assist with Team bank accounts, develop and maintain a standardized Rep Team budget, provide periodic budget updates to families and financial accountability to the MGHL Treasurer. This role must be held by an individual separate from the Head Coach (i.e., cannot be the Head Coach or a spouse / partner / companion of the Head Coach.)
Team Trainer
Every team must have at least one female Trainer rostered. Our Trainers receive online certification (fees reimbursed) which provides you with instruction in the prevention, recognition and management of hockey-related injuries. Team Trainers maintain a presence in the dressing rooms and on the benches. Two adult females should be present in the dressing rooms at all times when in use by female athletes. Additional details provided below under: Trainer Prerequisites & Commitment. This role must be held by an individual separate from the Head Coach and Team Mom.
Team Mom
Our Team Mom’s help make sure the dressing rooms remain safe and positive spaces for all our athletes by being present, promoting our codes of conduct, and helping younger girls with their equipment. Two adult females should be present in the dressing rooms at all times when in use by female athletes. This role must be held by an individual separate from the Team Trainer.
On-Ice Assistant
During team practices several drill stations are set up; our On-Ice Assistants can be parents, current or former athletes, or community members that want to help make sure each station runs smoothly. Extensive hockey knowledge or advanced skating skills are not required! This is a low level commitment that is ideal for a friendly volunteer aged 13 and up!
Student Volunteer
Our association is pleased to give high school students many opportunities to collect volunteer hours. You may want to help out with the younger girls on the ice and be a role model for them to look up to, or run a station at our special events. Be on the lookout for student volunteer invitations and don’t hesitate to sign up, or reach out to us to ask what you can do to help! Make sure to email [email protected] and ask to be added to the Student Volunteer list to never miss an opportunity to get your hours.
Special Event Volunteer
The MGHL hosts many events throughout the season, such as: House League Return to Hockey Day; the Annual Fundraising Gala; the Annual Winter Classic and AA Winter Showcase Tournaments, just to name a few. If you have a spare hour or two when our special events are underway, please consider volunteering to help with tasks like check in, evaluation, or swag handout etc.
The MGHL’s Executive Board is also composed of volunteers. At the end of each Season, the Executive Board is elected by our MGHL membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM.) Any MGHL member can volunteer for the Executive to help ensure our organization continues to offer an exceptional experience to our families. Interested members may submit their Intent to Run for any position, even if another candidate is already listed. The AGM is announced on our website, email newsletter and social feeds, at which time all Executive roles are open and members may submit their Intent to Run.
Please click each role below for more details:
- Oversees league operation and supports departments as required.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Organizes the Executive to carry out the management and supervision of the MGHL.
- Liaises with City and OWHA as required.
- Chairs the regular Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
- Sets up agenda for meetings.
- Designates an Executive member to perform their duties in their absence.
- Recruits volunteers.
- Oversees Police Check and Speak-out certification master file.
- Has cheque signing authority for the league.
Vice President
- The Vice-President assists the President in their duties and assumes the duties of the President should the President become unable to do so and will preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Assists in the organizing of the Executive to carry out the management and supervision of the MGHL.
- Be available to assist any Director requiring assistance in the completion of their functions.
- Recommend policy to the Executive Board regarding the nomination and election of MGHL Directors and the organization and conduct of members during MGHL General Meetings.
- Supervise special projects.
- Give regular reports on behalf of special projects.
- Discipline Chair for the MGHL membership.
- Carry out such duties as are assigned by the Executive or the President.
- Has cheque signing authority for the league.
- The Treasurer is responsible for the financial oversight of the MGHL.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Prepares an annual budget and financial statements (revenues / disbursements for the MGHL) with updates as required.
- Is responsible for maintenance of all MGHL league financial books and bank accounts (excluding Rep team-specific accounts) for the receipt and disbursement of funds.
- Collects registration fees for House League players.
- Has cheque signing authority for the league.
- The Secretary is responsible to maintain and/or record all official documents, policies and intellectual property and assets of the league.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Prepares correspondence approved by the Executive.
- Prepares agenda for and records minutes of the regular Executive meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
- Maintains the master files of all league information and documents.
- Maintains Police Check and Speak Out certification master file.
- Notifies Executive members of upcoming meetings.
- Provides minutes of previous meeting at least one week after a meeting and no later than ten (10) days before the next monthly meeting.
- Makes “housekeeping” changes such as spelling errors to the Constitution when necessary.
- Maintains an up-to-date list of the Executive with address and phone numbers.
- Responsible for the overall management of the player Registration program for both House League and Rep teams.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Performs the league registration role.
- Retains all league registration documentation.
- Ensures registration information is reflected in appropriate communication activities.
- Maintains a complete record of all House League and Rep Players in the MGHL.
- Responsible for obtaining the necessary training to operate Ivernet through the OWHA.
Director of House League Operations
- Liaison between MGHL Executive and House League.
- Oversees House League operations and also Chairs House League Committee.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Organizes the registrants into age divisions.
- Recruits and oversees Division Conveners, Coaches, Scheduler, and other volunteers.
- Oversees the drafting of the House League Players into balanced teams with the assistance of the Division Conveners.
- Manages the House League playoff format and schedule.
- Oversees the regular season schedule.
- Oversees House League statistics.
- Arranges for timekeepers and referees.
- Identifies House League ice requirements to the Ice Chairperson.
- With VP of Operations, oversees discipline of House League in accordance with Bylaw # 15 – Discipline.
- Ensures “Use of Image / Name Consent Forms” are complete for entire team and advises Communications Director.
Director of Rep League Operations
- Oversees operation of Rep teams.
- Liaison between MGHL Executive and Rep teams.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Acts as a liaison with the MGHL Rep teams, the OWHA and other leagues.
- Identifies Rep ice requirements to the Ice Chairperson.
- Develops criteria for Rep Coach Selection Committee and submits to Executive for approval.
- Develops Rep Coaching evaluation process and submits to Executive for approval.
- Shares approved process with Selection Committee before Coach interviews.
- Develops Budget Guidelines for teams by age and level and submits to Executive for approval.
- Shares approved guidelines with prospective Coaches as part of the application process.
- Shares approved guidelines with Selection Committee before interviews.
- Develops Coach Selection Criteria and submits to Executive for approval.
- Shares approved criteria with Selection Committee before interviews.
- Chairs the Rep Coaches Selection Committee.
- Shares Coaches applications with Committee before interviews.
- Ensures Coaching Applicants include a budget, signed Code of Conduct and “Coaching Philosophy / Season Plan” document with their application.
- Oversees Rep try-out times by age category.
- Ensures OWHA registration is complete and on-time for all Rep players.
- Ensures coaches adhere to their financial accountability to the league.
- Ensures “Use of Image / Name Consent Forms” are complete for entire team and advises Communications Director.
Development Director
- Develops and oversees execution of a skill enhancement program for the development of House League and Rep players and coaching staff of the MGHL.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Submits skill enhancement program to Executive for approval.
- Submits an annual budget for Executive approval.
- Co-ordinates all Coach or Trainer Certification Clinics hosted by MGHL.
- Provides development information to appropriate Directors.
Equipment Director
- Ensures that the equipment needs of all House League and Rep teams are met in a timely and cost-effective manner.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Submits an annual budget for Executive approval.
- Oversees selection process of MGHL Suppliers based on established criteria including, but not limited to:
- Cost / Value
- Accuracy of orders
- Timeliness of receipt
- Customer Service orientation
- Ratifies Supplier list by submitting to Executive for approval
- Coordinates the purchase and distribution of sweaters and socks for all players in the MGHL.
- Coordinates the purchase and distribution of apparel and / or hockey bags for MGHL House League and Rep teams.
- Orders goalie equipment and repairs as required.
- Maintains the loan/rental of goalie equipment to House League and U9 / U11 Rep team players and arranges for storage of the equipment from one House League season to the next.
- Ensures that any apparel or equipment with the name of Mississauga and / or Hurricanes or the Logo is supplied by an approved MGHL Supplier.
- Responsible for MGHL Logo and ordering / approving all equipment and apparel with the MGHL Logo.
- Responsible for arranging apparel sale date and times with approved MGHL suppliers.
- Is responsible for submitting new clothing items to the Executive for approval.
- Orders trophies for the House League year end banquet.
- Is responsible for maintaining the MGHL trophy case.
- Responsible for booking MGHL Clubhouse.
- Co-ordinates the photographs for players and teams for both House League and Rep teams.
Communications Director
- Leads all internal and external communication to increase public awareness of the MGHL.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Drives awareness of league to the external community; may include, but not limited to:
- Develops press releases to external News Media (e.g. Mississauga News, Sporting Scene, SNAP) in advance of special events and the annual MGHL Winter Tournaments.
- Reports tournament results to the news media.
- Participation in Special Events such as “Bread & Honey Festival”
- Drives awareness of Registration opportunities to the external community; may include, but not limited to:
- Distribution of MGHL flyers and posters to arenas and media.
- Coordinates ordering, placement and communication on street signs in May-June.
- Coordinates the distribution of registration information to other sports groups.
- Updates to; may include, but not limited to:
- Ensures appropriateness of all information posted to
- Ensures “Consent forms” are complete for entire team before posting photos or names.
- Ensures “brand standards” are consistently applied (colour, font, format).
- Prioritizes the order of articles on the site as required.
- Maintains
- Primary contact with Site Development contractor.
- Maintenance and registration of URLs.
- Responsible for ensuring payment of all site-related expenses.
- Responsible for updating the MGHL Bulletin board and showcase at Iceland Arena.
Tournament Director
- Oversees the MGHL Annual Winter Classic & AA Showcase Hockey Tournaments.
- Oversees and coordinates Tournament Committee and all volunteers.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Produces an itemized financial statement approved by the Treasurer upon completion.
- Oversees team registration, schedules games, timekeepers, prepares tournament program.
- Oversees fundraising to assist the finances of the tournament.
Sponsorship & Fundraising Director
- Solicitation and maintenance of sponsorship for the league.
- Oversees any volunteers who support this role.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Oversees sponsorship and fundraising efforts for the league.
- Ensures sponsors get visibility / value for their support.
Elite Performance Program (EPP) Director
- Builds a top performing elite Rep program.
- Strives to develop athletes for advancement within the elite program.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Oversee quality, performance and consistency of hockey operations for elite performance Teams.
Director At Large
- This role is available following the AGM and voted in by the current Executive Board.
- Provide assistance to Executive Members.
- Offer input on Board discussions and various league initiatives.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Attend Meetings and participate in various league initiatives / committees, as needed.
If you are volunteering for a more administrative role (e.g., Executive; Convener; Team Manager), Trainer, Team Mom, or Special Event Staff, then no equipment is needed as you are not an active participant on the ice. However, for those volunteers planning to be on the ice, you will need the following:
- Under 16 years old: full protective hockey equipment
- Over 16 years old: helmet, gloves, stick, and skates
As officials representing our competitive teams, Head, Associate and Assistant Coaches, as well as Team Trainers in the Rep Program only are required to be outfitted with MGHL branded track suits. These items should be included in team budgeting.
There are a few mandatory tasks that every volunteer must complete before working with youths in any league. Please submit all screening results and certifications to the MGHL President (at [email protected]) as soon as possible to avoid delays in season startup.
Police Check |
A clean vulnerable sector check (VSC Level 3) is required for volunteering with children under the age of 18 years. The Peel Regional Police provides record checks for those living in Mississauga and Brampton. If you live outside of those areas, please visit your regional police website for more details on obtaining a records check. If needed, download the MGHL VSC Level 3 for Volunteers Letter to submit with your application. For more information, including the Toronto Police Services Agency Code, please see our Background Check Policy.
Respect In Sports |
The Respect in Sports (Activity Leader) certification can be completed once online and does not expire. This program gives all volunteers aged 14 and up the background needed to help recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination in sport. The cost for this certificate will be reimbursed by the MGHL.
In addition to the above requirements, a few of our volunteer roles have added certification prerequisites, as described below.
At least one member of the bench staff must have a Hockey Canada accredited Coaching Certificate, according to the Team's division within the House League or Rep programs (e.g., Coach Level 1 or 2; Development 1 Trained or Certified). The cost for this certificate will be reimbursed by the MGHL (Reimbursement Policy.)

For our Elite Performance Program (EPP) Head Coaches (levels: U15AA, U18AA, U22AA), please contact the MGHL Executive Board President (at [email protected]) to request approval for the High Performance (Level I) Certification (HP1.) The cost for approved certifications will be reimbursed by the MGHL over a two season period. EPP Assistant Coaches should be Development 1 Trained, but may be reimbursed for HP1 Certification, upon MGHL Executive Board approval. Reimbursement for HP1 is completed over a three season period. For full HP1 reimbursement schedule details, please see the Reimbursement Policy.
Please see our Coaches Corner Page for more details on the various certifications and courses required for our Coaching volunteers across each program and division.
As a Coach, some of the main things you will do for your team are:
- Evaluate athletes and share input on team rosters.
- Select appropriate drills for practices from available repositories.
- Assign and direct on-ice help to drill stations.
- Lead the team and staff on the bench during games.
- Promote healthy habits, safety, fairplay and good sportsmanship.
Additionally, Coaches with Rep Teams will:
- Prepare and distribute the season’s Coaching Plan and Budget.
- Liaise with the MGHL Development team to arrange appropriate skills training.
- Participate in Coaches Meetings, Coach Forum Seminars, Player Assessment Program.
Each team must have at least one female Trainer as part of their bench staff. While males are able to help out in various other roles, the Trainer role is exclusively female. Trainers must complete the online Hockey Trainer Certification Program (Level I). Certification lasts for a period of three hockey seasons (ending August 31, annually); when your certification is up for renewal, you may take the Requalification Course for HTCP (Level I). The cost for these certifications, for up to three Trainers per team, will be reimbursed by the MGHL (Reimbursement Policy.)

Please see our Trainers Toolkit Page for access to the various resources that will help you during the season.
As a Trainer, some of the main things you will do for your team are:
- Main supervisor for the female only dressing rooms.
- Monitor athlete’s equipment condition.
- Assist with equipment issues or injuries on the benches or on the ice.
- Act as the Trainer for your team and the opposing team (if the opposing team’s Trainer is absent.)
- Promote healthy habits, safety, fairplay and good sportsmanship.
Without our volunteers we would not be able to continue offering our programs to the many girls and young women that are proud to call themselves Mississauga Hurricanes. Volunteering is an extremely rewarding experience that makes a very real positive impact in the lives of our athletes and helps keep them active and out on the ice. Even offering an hour or two out of your schedule shows our kids that our community cares about giving them a good experience and empowering them to be the best that they can be, both on and off the ice.
Please consider volunteering with the MGHL today!
For questions, comments, or to volunteer, please contact us at: [email protected]