Lace'em Up - Hockey Restarts Jan 31...., News (Mississauga Girls Hockey League)

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Jan 28, 2022 | Brad Saunders | 840 views
Lace'em Up - Hockey Restarts Jan 31....
The OWHA has announced that we may return to sanctioned activities (practices and games) beginning Monday, January 31, 2022.

Rep teams will resume their practice and game schedules as previously booked. The usual House League Monday Game night will be schedule as practices just for this night with regular programming starting on the weekend.

Below is the OWHA's Covid-19 Update from today (January 28, 2022). Read it on the OWHA's website here.

January 28, 2022

The Province of Ontario has updated O. Reg. 364/20 (RULES FOR AREAS AT STEP 3 AND AT THE ROADMAP EXIT STEP) under the REOPENING ONTARIO (A FLEXIBLE RESPONSE TO COVID-19) ACT, 2020.
This Regulation comes into force on January 31, 2022.


Commencing January 31, 2022, OWHA teams may resume sanctioned hockey activities that include games and practices providing they are in compliance with all OWHA requirements, including but not limited to OWHA updates that are available on the OWHA web site (

1) The OWHA, PHUs, municipalities may have policies and procedures that are more restrictive than the rules in the Regulation and the most restrictive requirement must be followed.
2) Please be reminded that protocols such as masking, physical distancing and QR codes for vaccinations and active screening remain in place.
3) Please be advised of the following NEW Information:
a. The total number of members of the public who are permitted to be in an indoor area of the facility at any one time shall not exceed 50 per cent capacity.
b. The total number of members of the public who are permitted to be in an indoor spectator area of the facility at any one time shall not exceed 50 per cent of the area’s usual seating capacity or 500 persons, whichever is less.
c. Every indoor spectator must remain seated while consuming food or drink.
d. The requirement for a facility to record the name and contact information of every member of the public who enters the facility has been revoked. As a result, the OWHA does not require such records to be taken or kept. See also Note #1 above.
e. The process and timing of managing positive COVID-19 tests, exposure to COVID-19, requirements for symptomatic individuals, requirement, and length of quarantine and/or isolation and other scenarios related to COVID-19 are to be managed in accordance with current national, provincial and PHU policies and procedures and the most restrictive requirement must be followed.
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