MGHL Pausing Games/Practices Immediately, News (Mississauga Girls Hockey League)

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Jan 02, 2022 | MGHL | 1911 views
MGHL Pausing Games/Practices Immediately
Given the recent government announcements today and the move back to Modified Stage 2, the MGHL is pausing all practices/games and other OWHA sanctioned activities effective immediately.  

We hope the arena closures will be lifted at the end of January as mentioned in the today’s press conference.  Please stay safe in the coming weeks and with a little luck we will be back to the rink before we know it.

STAY TUNED for some online training that will be offered during our break for HL and REP players.

Brad Saunders
MGHL President

COVID-19 public health measures and advice | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario
