House League Registration Update, News (Mississauga Girls Hockey League)

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Aug 30, 2021 | MGHL President | 1220 views
House League Registration Update
The House League season is almost here and registration is still open! For all the details you need to get ready for the 2021-22 season, read on.

Summer has flown by and the kids are almost back in school, which means it’s also almost time to welcome back our athletes for the 2021-22 season. While we continue to actively search for a House League Director, I’ve been wearing that hat with pride over the past several weeks to get everything ready for our athletes. If you have any questions or comments about the below, please email me


First, a reminder that registration is still OPEN. If you have not yet registered your child, please use the RAMP system to secure your spot.


IF you have registered your child and did so before August 28th, you need to log back in to RAMP to complete your payment for the upcoming season. That must be completed before Evaluation Day on September 11th, and your RAMP account has been updated with payment details. If you are registering your child between now and September 11, you will need to pay for the season in full to register.


Our 2021-22 House League season costs have been set and, with respect for the difficult year it’s been for our hockey community, we have lowered costs across all divisions. Costs for the season are as follows: $100 (U7), $475 (U9), $625 (U11-U15), $650 (U18 & U22).


These fees are significantly lower than other local hockey organizations. If you have family or friends that want to play but haven’t registered, tell them to do so ASAP!


If you missed our first article on the 2021-22 House League season, a reminder that we also have incredible promotions and prizes for athletes this year.


Last – great ready for the return of House League Evaluation Day! Our return to the ice is set for Saturday, September 11 at Iceland Arena. ALL divisions will be on the ice for 1 hour between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. (exact times will be posted to Expect free MGHL swag, pizza, drinks, freezies and more!


A few more updates on behalf of the MGHL …


Please read the OWHA’s Latest Return to Hockey Update. Under current guidelines there will be no DS/Select programming in 2021-22 and game play can commence on September 1 between organizations with full roster teams. House League can commence immediately, and tournaments are being sanctioned starting this October. I’m thrilled that we are welcoming back the MGHL Winter Classic tournament this season. Read about our November tournament here.


With regards to ice times, we are waiting to hear back regarding some of our traditional times. We will update you as soon as we know more.


Many of you have asked whether the MGHL will mimic the GTHL’s vaccination policy. At this time, we believe the OWHA along with Hockey Canada/OHF are in discussions on this topic. We strongly encourage all athletes, staff, and spectators to review vaccine and public health initiatives and to remain safe as we move into the season.


Tie To’s. Given the number of teams per division is still undetermined, we will detail the tie to process during the week of September 13th


We have several Rep teams that are looking for athletes, and that includes our U9 and U11 teams. Both U9 and U11 need to follow Hockey Canada’s detail pathways for ice time and we are asking that all athletes in these age groups interested in trying out declare their intentions by September 6th. To declare intent, send an email to the head coach(es) for your age group and CC [email protected] and [email protected].

U9 Rep Coach: [email protected]


U11 Rep Coaches: [email protected] & [email protected]


Last, Coaches / Assistants and Convenors are needed at most, if not all, divisions. Please contact [email protected] if interested.


Yours in hockey,


Brad Saunders

MGHL President | MGHL House League Director (acting)
